Thanks to the combined efforts of the Executive committee and members of the association, this year has been a very fruitful year. Our association has grown to over 150 strong. We are now the association of doctors in aesthetic medicine with the largest numbers of member doctor s in Hong Kong, Our reputation has risen sharply and we have become well known to most doctors practicing in the field of aesthetic medicine in Hong Kong as well as to medical bodies such as the Department of Health and Medical Associations e.g. Hong Kong Doctor’s Union, so much so that we have been asked on many occasions to give expert opinion on issues concerning regulation of medical devices and procedures, as well as to give lectures and seminars on Aesthetic practices both to the medical professionals and to the general public. Throughout the year we have to organize numerous workshops and seminars in our Association premise as well as in other venues, such as hotels in cooperation with companies, to promote new medical devices and procedures and these functions are usually well attended thanks to the support of all members of the association. With these functions we have managed to raise considerable fund for future use in the development of ADAM.

We have ventured to bring ADAM to international recognition by inviting oversea exerts to be our honorary advisors as well as to organized 2 functions with international medical associations and I am deeply grateful to Dr. Ringo Lam for his contribution. Our vision is to bring ADAM to international fame as well.
It is my hope that our association will continue to be the strongest and most influential Aesthetic Doctors’ Association in Hong Kong and worldwide.

After this AGM I will ceased to be Chairman of ADAM but I will never cease to support ADAM.

Dr. Kwok Yam Tat, Jeremy
Chairman 2105 – 2016
Association of Doctors In Aesthetic Medicine ( HK ) Ltd